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by on May 6, 2022

SEO Statistics To Guide Your Strategy


Knowledge is power in SEO. That’s why we'veput together some eye-opening SEO stats and metrics to help you improve your digital marketing strategy and secure that number 1 position on the search engines through search engine optimization.

  • 68.2% of first-page YouTube results are HD videos.
  • Google shows meta descriptions in search results only 37.22% of the time. That rises to 40.35% for fat-head keywords and drops to 34.38% for long-tails.
  • The average reading level of a voice search result is 9th grade.
  • 57% of B2B marketers say SEO has the biggest impact on lead generation.
  • There are an estimated 3.5 billion searches on Google each day.
  • 53.3% of all website traffic comes from organic search.

With a tech-savvy UK SEO Expert who has marketing experience and knows the technical side, you can easily meet your marketing goals and get a better return on investment.

Generate Natural Links To Your Web Pages

Although you should aim for high-quality backlinks, you can still build momentum through medium-quality links but avoid low-quality links at all costs. A blog can be an incredibly powerful promotional and link-building tool, if used wisely. If you have strong opinions, or a high level of knowledge in your industry, and you’re happy to write regular posts, setting up a blog is easy and can be a great way to increase both visibility and incoming links. Google penalizes websites with low-quality backlinks such as those that link to spam. This is why having highly valuable backlinks is important. They may determine whether your page appears at the top of search results or not. To gain backlinks in order to diversify your link profile, it’s important to learn as much as you can about the different types of backlinks, how they can be benefit your target sites, and how many you should acquire. This is all important knowledge for any SEO who takes their craft seriously. An independent SEO Consultancy has to be comfortable with the given setup of internal and external teams and consider its impact on the overall SEO strategy.

Building A Strong Community Through Local SEO

One of the best benefits of local SEO is its ability to help you reach and attract local customers. In fact, you’ll have an easier time finding people who have an interest in your business. As local searchers have higher buying intent, the traffic you receive comprises only those interested in engaging with your business. Thus, it makes the interactions more meaningful with high chances of positive outcomes. While SEO and digital marketing have become much more competitive than even a few years ago, that’s not yet the case with local SEO. If your SEO efforts have plateaued despite all your efforts, you can look to local search to make up the difference. By having reviews and keeping your contact information and operating hours up-to-date, you're improving the experience for potential customers to find you. There are many different things a SEO York can do for you.

Becoming A Global Brand Through The Medium Of SEO

Research your target markets to find out which keywords are being searched for frequently (keywords with large search volume, but are not used by many other websites, making them more competitive for high ranking positions (keywords with low competition). If you’re selling products or services online internationally, you’re going to need a localised website to engage with your customers in their own language. But your go-to-market strategy doesn’t stop at website localisation – you’ll also need to implement an international SEO strategy to rank well on search engines in local markets in order to drive traffic to your site and increase sales. Marketing in general is about personalization and speaking to the needs for specific personas. Doing global SEO for your website is not entirely different from performing your regular SEO strategy. However, to succeed in global SEO, you have to do more beyond the ordinary, such as optimizing for your target audience’s language and country. The best is someone who has a thorough knowledge of such SEO techniques that bring your content to the forefront of the search results page.

The more prominent your website is, the greater your visibility at the expense of your competitors, as there is limited space on that critical first page of search results. If you have good-quality intellectual capital to share, there's no room for sheepishness and mixed feelings about standing out through Search Engine Optimisation.

Discover additional insights appertaining to Search Engine Optimisation Consultants on this Moz web page.

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